Saturday, May 28, 2011

All of Me

I have not written anything for a while. Too busy to write. But writing is one of those things that I REALLY enjoy doing, and as I said in one of my earlier posts, we should do what we love, what brings us joy, what we were put on this earth to do. Very much In the Spirit of Oprah, who just did her last show a few days ago, and is the QUEEN of doing what we were put on this earth to do, blahblahblah, etc. etc.

So, I am getting back to it. Living my best life, that sort of thing.

What, exactly, am I getting back to, you might ask?


How so? Well, I am, starting now, doing LESS. Less volunteer work, less committee work, less running around for other people, less cleaning up after other people (hear that, kids??) Less trying to be Ms. Perfect, Ms. Reliable, Ms. Let's Ask Mom, Ms. Do Everything, Ms. Do it at Donna's House.

Selfish? You bet.

But why? Partly out of exhaustion, but more out of a sense of self-preservation, a need to focus. I will give less of me, so that when I DO show up, when I DO volunteer to do something, there will be more of me to give. More energy, more focus, more passion.

NOW I understand why they tell you on airplanes to "put your own mask on first, then help those around you". I used to think that was incredibly selfish, especially if you have kids with you. But now I get it. If you can't breathe, you can't help others. It is as simple as that.

I have unplugged my land line, I am not answering any Facebook pokes (can anyone tell me how to get off of it??), I do not and probably will not Tweet. Ever. As I have said many times, and will say again, people who really want to reach me, already know where I am, and anyone else who needs to reach me will figure out how to do so. The rest can get along without me.

I say that with alot of love, humor, and respect, but mostly with respect for myself.

I am getting back to blogging, so if you are actually interested and want to read more, please let me know. Sometime within the next few days or weeks, I am going to re-launch my blog with a new name, new content, new format, and possibly a new server. So please just drop me an e-mail and tell me if you want to read it, and I will figure out how to link you to it.

Happy Memorial Day!!