Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Road Warriors

Got an e-mail the other day from my dear friend, Roderick "Priest" Priestly. He and his wife, the lovely Lisa Priestly, are fitness trainers. They are truly phenomenal, talented people, and both quite gorgeous, too. (NOTE: she is not to be confused with Lisa P. from the Salsa Crew, who is also quite gorgeous, but is not the same person.)

The Priestlys are about to embark upon a 3000 mile, cross country bike race (Race Across America) to bring awareness to the Charlie's Champions Foundation, which raises money to fight children's cancers. ( They are flying to Oceanside, California in two weeks, to begin the race on June 12th. Their goal is to reach Annapolis, MD by Sunday, June 20th. They are part of a team of 8 racers and 8 crewmembers, who will be living on the road and racing continuously for 8 days. We can follow their progress at:

A few years ago, Priest introduced me and my daughter, the lovely Jordan, to the wonderful world of kickboxing (which, by the way, is an excellent mother/daughter workout, and a great thing to learn for those of us concerned about self-defense). Alas, it was not a world in which I chose to dwell for very long - despite all of Priest's valiant efforts - no doubt because of my seriously underdeveloped glutes (translation- I have no butt!) However, precisely BECAUSE I have no butt, I know that I should have stayed with it. Kickboxing is an excellent way to work out the butt, the thighs, the arms, and to develop focus, concentration, and balance.

What I did take away from the experience was a serious front snap kick, which means that I could, at any time, deliver a swift offensive blow to the 'nads, if needed. So watch out, punks, this woman is dangerous!

All kidding aside, check out the Priestly's website at "". And if you meet them, tell them I said hello, and RIDE ON!

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